NAM Panel Member, Mike Daumen, Esq., To Speak at Buffalo Claims Association Meeting


January 5, 2012

The topic for discussion that evening will be Mediation: A Mediator's Perspective.

This is an excellent opportunity to meet one of NAM's key mediators in Western, New York. Mr. Daumen is the former Principal Law Clerk to the Honorable Frank A. Sedita, Jr., Supreme Court of the State of New York, 8th District. Claims personnel can learn firsthand about the benefits of mediation as a way to resolve claims and close cases, as well as how to maximize the success of your mediation session.

The February 8th meeting will take place as follows:

Time: 5:30-check in for BCA members followed by Dinner and Presentation

Where: Curly's Grill & Banquet, 674 Ridge Road, Lackawanna, NY 14218

Additional information about the Buffalo Claims Association meeting can be found on the BCA website at